Focus questions:  1. How does the events about ASEAN countries order?                                                           
                            2. What is the same/ difference among ASEAN countries?

Do you know when each ASEAN country celebrates Independence Days? The answer is “ASEAN Day” is on August 8. However, the following are presented by the date of the countries’ ceremony of Independence Day.
Myanmar marks January 4 as Independence Day. Meanwhile, its National Day falls on late November or early December. Brunei’s National Day is on February 23. June 12 is the Philippines’ Independence Day. Singaporean National Day is on August 9. As well as August 17 is Indonesian Independence Day.
       Malaysia’s Independence Day or Hari Merdeka is held on August 31. September 16 is also Malaysia Day. Vietnam’s National Day is on September 2. November 9 is Cambodia Independence Day. Laos’ National Day is on December 2. Besides, December 5 is celebrated as the King’s Birthday, National Day, and Thai Father’s Day.
Most ASEAN countries were Western nations’ former colonies, except Thailand. Thailand is the only independent ASEAN country.  Each ASEAN country honors its independence during Independence and National Days.

